Podman Secrets for Secure Service Config

In the world of the containerization, security and efficient service configuration are serious concerns. Podman, a container management tool, provides a solution for orchestrating containers and includes a feature known as “secrets” to enhance the security of sensitive information within containerized applications. This article explores the use of Podman secrets for configuring services securely, ensuring that sensitive data such as passwords and API keys remain confidential.

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Understanding Podman secrets

Podman secrets offer a mechanism to manage sensitive data within containers, guarding confidential information from being exposed in plaintext. These secrets can be used to store data such as database credentials, cryptographic keys, and other confidential configuration details. Podman secrets are designed to be accessible only by the containers that explicitly request them, enhancing the overall security posture of containerized applications.

The current implementation supports only the file driver for storing secret data. A plain text file is mounted inside the container under /run/secrets and we can use the data from there. I consider it rather a “technological preview” than a solution.

Creating and managing secrets

Podman provides a straightforward process for creating and managing secrets. To create a secret, one can use the podman secret create command, specifying the file or value containing the sensitive data.

For example:

$ echo "mysecretpassword" | podman secret create mydbpassword -

This command creates a secret named mydbpassword with the provided value.

Incorporating secrets into services

Once secrets are created, they can be incorporated into services during container creation. By referencing the secret within the service definition, the sensitive information is injected securely into the container at runtime. Here’s an example of how to use a secret in a Podman service:

$ podman run -d --name myapp \
  --secret mydbpassword \

In this example, the mydbpassword secret is injected into the myapp container, enabling the application to access the sensitive information securely.

Accessing secrets from containers

Containers can access secrets through specific filesystem paths defined by Podman. The secrets are mounted as files within the container, and applications can read them from these paths. For instance, the secret mydbpassword would be accessible within the container at /run/secrets/mydbpassword.

Benefits of using Podman secrets

  1. Enhanced Security:
  • Secrets remain confidential and are not exposed in plaintext.
  • Mitigates the risk of sensitive information leakage.
  1. Simplified Management:
  • Streamlines the management of sensitive data within containerized environments.
  • Facilitates easy updates or rotation of secrets without modifying the container image.
  1. Isolation of Sensitive Information:
  • Limits access to secrets only to the containers that explicitly request them.
  • Ensures that other containers or users cannot access sensitive data.


Podman secrets provide a solution for securing sensitive information within containerized services. By leveraging this feature, organizations can enhance the overall security of their applications, ensuring that confidential data is protected from unauthorized access. Incorporating Podman secrets into service configuration practices contributes to a more resilient and secure containerized environment.

If you want to discuss the topic with other technology-minded people, join my Discord: https://discord.gg/YbSYGsQYES

Now we have an IRC channel as well: irc.libera.chat / #tomsitcafe

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