Podman Basics 01: Introduction to Containerization

In today’s fast-paced world of IT, there’s this game-changing idea called containerization that’s shaking things up. It’s basically transforming how we build, launch, and handle applications. Two key players in this field are Docker and Podman, each offering unique benefits to developers and system administrators alike. In this beginner level course you will get an insight into working with Podman.

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Ansible Basics 11: Blocks

In Ansible, blocks are a powerful feature that allows users to group tasks logically within a playbook, enabling the execution of multiple tasks as a single unit. This functionality significantly enhances the manageability of complex playbooks by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. Blocks not only create logical groups of tasks but also provide a structured approach to handle errors, similar to exception handling in programming languages.

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Ansible Basics 10: Ansible Galaxy

One of the key features that contributes to Ansible’s popularity is its extensive ecosystem of community-contributed content, known as Ansible Galaxy. Ansible Galaxy is a hub for discovering and sharing Ansible roles, which are reusable automation components that encapsulate tasks, variables, and other Ansible functionality. These roles are created and shared by the Ansible community, allowing users to quickly find and incorporate pre-built automation into their own projects.

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Ansible Basics 09: Ansible Roles

Ansible roles are a powerful organizational mechanism that allows you to structure your Ansible content in a modular and reusable way. They provide a structured approach to managing tasks, variables, files, and other artifacts within your playbooks. You can push your Ansible roles in SCM and follow the changes and different versions. Ansible roles are the industry standard way to distribute and share Ansible code with the community.

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Ansible Basics 07: Templates and Jinja2

In configuration management and automation, templates play a very important role. They allow you to create dynamic, reusable file content by using variables and other expressions in text files. In the context of Ansible, the template engine of choice is Jinja2. You will create mostly configuration templates in Jinja2 format, and address them in your playbooks with the ansible.builtin.template module. In this lesson you will also learn how can you use expressions in the template files.

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Ansible Basics 05: Playbooks

Ansible playbooks are the core components of Ansible. Playbooks are written in YAML format and describe a set of tasks that need to be executed on the managed systems. A playbook consists of one or more plays, and each play defines a set of tasks to be performed on a group of hosts. Tasks are the individual actions or commands that Ansible should execute, such as installing packages, copying files, or restarting services. Tasks call out to the programmed code units called modules.

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Ansible Basics 04: The Inventories

An Ansible inventory is a structured list of hosts or nodes that Ansible can manage, providing a foundation for orchestrating automation tasks across a network. This inventory file typically contains information about the hosts’ IP addresses, connection details, and grouping, allowing users to organize and categorize systems based on their roles, functions, or other criteria.

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Ansible Basics 03: Running Ad-Hoc Commands

Ansible consists of several key components that collectively build a robust automation and configuration management. Ad-hoc commands are the easiest and fastest way to run some commands remotely or on a host. You have to understand the basic terminology to do this, so here is a quick start, and later we are going to go into the details in the upcoming articles.

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Ansible Basics 02: Installing Ansible

Ansible can be installed on a large variety of systems, but most people and companies run it on Linux hosts. Small companies and startups (with only a few administrators) do not dedicate a server for it, rather they use the admin workstations or notebooks. When a company grows and more people work on the environment they dedicate a server to these operations, and Ansible can scale well. In this article we go through the different alternative methods to install Ansible.

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Ansible Basics 01: Automation, Configuration Management, Infrastructure as Code

The Ansible Basics course is a new, free series from Tom’s IT Cafe for those who want to learn the foundations of automation, configuration management and infrastructure as code. The structure of the course is simple, starting with the installation of Ansible, through its configuration, to some examples of the usage. You have to understand some computer basics to fully understand this topic. This article series will not go into the details of networking, identity and access management nor security hardening. It will help you start working with Ansible, and initiate your automation journey. New articles on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5PM CET.

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Cryptocurrencies and Privacy Coins

In recent years, the world of cryptocurrencies has expanded exponentially, offering a plethora of options for investors, traders, and enthusiasts. Among these digital assets, both major cryptocurrencies and privacy coins have garnered significant attention. Each category comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, catering to different needs and preferences within the crypto community.

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Ethereum: The Future of Decentralized Finance

In the blockchain technology, Ethereum stands out as a groundbreaking platform that has transformed the landscape of decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. Launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum introduced a revolutionary concept: the ability to build decentralized applications on its blockchain, using smart contracts to execute code automatically when predetermined conditions are met. Over the years, Ethereum has evolved into a powerhouse, fueling the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and a myriad of other innovative projects.

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Proton Mail’s New Desktop Client: A Secure and User-Friendly Email Solution

Proton Mail, a renowned provider of secure email services, has recently released its new desktop client, setting a new standard for email security and usability. This innovative client offers a range of features that make it a top choice for individuals and businesses looking to enhance their email communication experience. I have just installed and tried it out for some days.

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