Podman Basics 09: Kubernetes Compatibility

Podman’s integration with Kubernetes through the podman kube play command allows users to create pods, containers, and volumes from Kubernetes YAML files. This command reads the structured file and recreates the described resources, starting the containers within a pod and outputting the ID of the new pod or the name of the new volume.

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Podman Basics 08: Building Your Own Images

Sometimes you must create your own Podman images. Building your own Podman images allows for greater customization, control, consistency, and organizational efficiency compared to using only public images. The investment upfront can pay dividends in the long run through improved security, consistency, and maintainability of your container infrastructure.

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Podman Basics 07: Using Multi-Container Applications

Podman-compose is a script that simplifies the use of Podman to manage multi-container setups. It interprets the docker-compose.yml file and creates a Podman-compatible setup. This means you can use your existing Docker Compose files with Podman, making the transition smoother if you’re moving from Docker to Podman.

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Podman Basics 04: Running Your First Container

After installing Podman you have to know and understand some of the terminology. Understanding the basic jargon of containerization will help you start with this lesson, and it will be beneficial later on too. You will learn about the image registries, images and containers in this lesson. You will take a look at how to pull, run and manage them.

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Podman Basics 03: Installing Podman

Containerization has changed the way we deploy and manage applications. Podman is a powerful container management tool that provides a seamless experience for running containers in production, development, and testing environments. We will walk through the steps to install Podman on three popular Linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, and Rocky Linux. This lesson will equip you with the knowledge to enjoy the power of Podman on your preferred platform.

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Podman Basics 02: Introduction to Podman

Podman, also known as the POD manager, is an open-source tool for developing, managing, and running containers on Linux systems. It was originally developed by Red Hat engineers along with the open-source community. Podman is designed to make it easy to find, run, build, share, and deploy applications using Open Containers Initiative (OCI) Containers and Container Images.

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Podman Basics 01: Introduction to Containerization

In today’s fast-paced world of IT, there’s this game-changing idea called containerization that’s shaking things up. It’s basically transforming how we build, launch, and handle applications. Two key players in this field are Docker and Podman, each offering unique benefits to developers and system administrators alike. In this beginner level course you will get an insight into working with Podman.

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Podman Secrets for Secure Service Config

In the world of the containerization, security and efficient service configuration are serious concerns. Podman, a container management tool, provides a solution for orchestrating containers and includes a feature known as “secrets” to enhance the security of sensitive information within containerized applications. This article explores the use of Podman secrets for configuring services securely, ensuring that sensitive data such as passwords and API keys remain confidential.

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Deploying Mailcow: A Self-Hosted Mail Server In Docker

Setting up an efficient mail server is crucial for individuals and organizations. Mailcow, a comprehensive mail server solution, offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of installing Mailcow on Debian Bookworm and Docker, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

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Install Passbolt Self-Hosted With Podman

Passbolt is an open-source password manager designed for teams and organizations that prioritize security and privacy. It offers the following features:

  • Security-First Approach: Passbolt puts security first, with a security model that supports user-owned secret keys and end-to-end encryption, regularly assessed by top penetration testers.
  • Built for Collaboration: It allows secure sharing of credentials with powerful auditing tools and unparalleled granularity for access controls and encrypted data.
  • Privacy Focus: Headquartered in the EU, Passbolt prioritizes privacy and is designed to comply with European privacy laws.
  • Versatility and Control: Passbolt is designed to put users in control of their data and protect them from a wide range of potential threats, making it suitable for security-conscious organizations.

Passbolt is trusted by a wide range of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, the defense industry, universities, and startups, and has received 4,000 stars on GitHub as a seal of approval for its reliable and secure password management. It is also available as a free and open-source solution, with an extensible API for developers.

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How To Install Vaultwarden Password Manager In Podman?

Vaultwarden is an open-source password manager that is a fork of Bitwarden. It is written in Rust and is designed to be lightweight, easy to set up, and run on various platforms. Vaultwarden is an alternative backend for the password manager Bitwarden, and while it does not implement the same feature set as the Bitwarden server, its setup is much simpler. Vaultwarden is a great option for small businesses because it is lightweight and runs well on devices with limited resources, such as Raspberry Pi and Synology NAS. It is also easy to set up and use, making it a great choice for businesses that do not have dedicated IT staff. Additionally, Vaultwarden is open-source, which means that businesses can customize it to meet their specific needs.

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How To Create A Scalable Jenkins CI/CD Environment Using Containers?

Jenkins is a platform for creating a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) environment. It is written in Java and provides support for various version control tools such as Git, running Bash scripts and Windows batch files, building Ant and Apache Maven-based projects, and more. Jenkins helps build, test, and continually deploy software. It is an open-source system and one of the leading automation servers. Jenkins requires scripting some automation steps, but it provides a fast and robust way to systematize the software development lifecycle. The program runs web containers and plugins, such as Apache Tomcat, and helps manage lifecycle and access rights requests. Over 1700 plugins for Jenkins enrich the software integration, automation, and delivery processes and provide a customizable environment. Jenkins is used for the whole software delivery pipeline, including deployment.

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Container Orchestration In Podman Pods With Kubernetes Compatibility

Containerization has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage applications, offering lightweight and scalable solutions for a variety of workloads. The Podman, a container management tool, provides a flexible and user-friendly alternative to traditional container orchestration systems.

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