A Comprehensive Guide to Installing and Utilizing Docker Swarm and Load Balancing Docker Swarm Services with Nginx Proxy

Containerization has revolutionized software deployment, and Docker Swarm provides a powerful solution for orchestrating and managing containerized applications. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of setting up and effectively using Docker Swarm on three virtual machines, and then extend it to include a load balancing proxy using Nginx. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to harness the benefits of container orchestration and load balancing for your projects.

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Mastering Docker Networking: Exposing Ports Only to Other Containers

Docker networks are virtual networks created by Docker to enable communication between Docker containers, allowing them to connect to and communicate with each other or to non-Docker workloads. Containers inside the Docker network can talk to each other by sharing packets of information, and each container sees a network interface with an IP address, a gateway, a routing table, DNS services, and other networking details. By default, the container gets an IP address for every Docker network it attaches to, and when a container starts, it can only attach to a single network, using the –network flag. However, you can connect a running container to multiple networks using the docker network connect command.

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Running Rundeck and Ansible in Podman with a MySQL Backend and Podman-Compose: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s ever-evolving IT landscape, the need for self-service automation and precise scheduling has become significant. Enter Rundeck and Ansible, two formidable tools that empower organizations to speed up their infrastructure management. When combined with the containerization capabilities of Podman and the orchestration provided by Podman-Compose, you can create a robust automation environment that not only simplifies self-service tasks but also enables precise scheduling.

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A Guide For Configuring and Hosting an In-House Docker Registry

Docker has revolutionized the way we build, ship, and run applications by containerizing them. One critical component of a well-managed container ecosystem is a Docker registry. While Docker Hub is a popular choice for hosting container images, there are compelling reasons to set up an in-house Docker registry. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to configure and host your own Docker registry, ensuring control, security, and efficiency in your containerized environment.

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Simplify Container Orchestration with Podman-Compose

In the dynamic world of containerization and orchestration, developers and IT professionals continually seek tools that streamline the deployment and management of containerized applications. While Docker Compose has long been the go-to solution for orchestrating containers, its dependency on the Docker daemon can be limiting in certain environments. Enter Podman-Compose, a powerful alternative that offers greater flexibility and security while maintaining compatibility with Docker Compose syntax. In this blog post, we’ll look into Podman-Compose, exploring its key features and demonstrating how it can simplify your container orchestration tasks.

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Containerized Confidence: Testing Ansible Roles with Molecule and Podman on Debian Linux

Testing Ansible roles is a crucial step in ensuring the reliability and correctness of your infrastructure automation. Among the various tools available for this purpose, Molecule stands out as a versatile framework for testing Ansible roles. When coupled with Podman, a containerization tool similar to Docker, it provides a seamless and efficient environment for testing Ansible roles on Debian Linux. In this blog post, we will explore the process of setting up Molecule with Podman on Debian Linux.

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Docker Compose vs. Docker Swarm: Choosing the Right Orchestration Tool

In today’s rapidly evolving world of containerization and micro services, Docker has emerged as a powerhouse, providing tools to simplify the deployment and management of applications. Among its arsenal are Docker Compose and Docker Swarm, two distinct tools that address different aspects of container orchestration. In this article, we’ll dive into the nuances of Docker Compose and Docker Swarm, highlighting their features, use cases, and how to make the right choice for your deployment needs.

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Mastering Docker Volume Management: A Comprehensive Guide with a Handful of Examples

Docker has revolutionized the way applications are deployed, offering portability and scalability like never before. One crucial aspect of Docker is volume management, which ensures data persistence and sharing between containers. In this article, we’ll dive a bit into the world of Docker volumes, explore their types, and I will provide practical examples of how to effectively manage them.

Continue reading “Mastering Docker Volume Management: A Comprehensive Guide with a Handful of Examples”