Setting Up an SBCL Common Lisp Development Environment With Emacs and SLIME on Debian Linux in 2023

Common Lisp is a powerful and versatile programming language known for its expressive syntax and rich ecosystem of libraries. If you’re a seasoned Linux user, particularly on Debian-based distributions like Debian itself or Ubuntu, setting up a Common Lisp development environment with Emacs using SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp) is a straightforward process. I write this article because despite the elegance and functionality of Common Lisp the user base of the language is constantly shrinking.

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Exploring Org Mode in Emacs: A Productivity Powerhouse

Emacs, the extensible text editor that has been a cornerstone of the developer and programmer community for decades, is renowned for its flexibility and customization. Among its vast array of features and plugins, one stands out for its unparalleled ability to streamline tasks, manage information, and boost productivity – Org Mode.

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