Ansible Basics 07: Templates and Jinja2

In configuration management and automation, templates play a very important role. They allow you to create dynamic, reusable file content by using variables and other expressions in text files. In the context of Ansible, the template engine of choice is Jinja2. You will create mostly configuration templates in Jinja2 format, and address them in your playbooks with the ansible.builtin.template module. In this lesson you will also learn how can you use expressions in the template files.

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Configuration file blueprints: Jinja2 templates in the Ansible code

Templating is a huge work power in Ansible when we want to write reusable code. Just imagine about having to create different playbooks and roles for every host that have a slightly different configuration from each other. That would be nonsense. Luckily we have configuration file templates in Ansible to make our life easier, and Infrastructure as Code less complex. We have already used Jinja2 templates in our playbook when we included variables. Let’s investigate what else can we do!

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