Using different Ansible Vault passwords with vault-id

As our infrastructure grows, we may have to use secret data of different sensitivity. If our “Infrastructure as Code” is developed by different teams, maybe every team wants to protect their own passwords, API tokens, keys, etc with different Vault passwords. This is why we use IDs in Ansible Vault.

We can add Vault IDs to encrypted strings and/or files to differentiate their decryption passwords with the ansible-vault command.

ansible-vault create --vault-id prod@prompt prod-secrets.yml

This will prompt us for the password for the prod vault ID and create a new file called prod-secrets.yml with the encrypted content.

We can also encrypt an existing file with a specific vault ID using the encrypt action:

ansible-vault encrypt --vault-id prod@prompt prod-secrets.yml

This will prompt us for the password for the prod vault ID and encrypt the file prod-secrets.yml with it.

We can also specify multiple vault IDs when encrypting or decrypting files:

ansible-vault encrypt --vault-id dev@dev-pass.txt --vault-id test@test-pass.txt --vault-id prod@prod-pass.txt secrets.yml

This will encrypt the file secrets.yml with three different passwords corresponding to three different vault IDs: dev, test and prod. The passwords are stored in plain text files dev-pass.txt, test-pass.txt and prod-pass.txt respectively.

To decrypt a file that was encrypted with multiple vault IDs, we need to provide all of them:

ansible-vault decrypt --vault-id dev@dev-pass.txt --vault-id test@test-pass.txt --vault-id prod@prod-pass.txt secrets.yml

This will prompt us for all three passwords and decrypt the file secrets.yml.

We can also use multiple vault IDs when running ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-id dev@dev-pass.txt --vault-id test@test-pass.txt --vault-id prod@prod-pass.txt

This will allow ansible-playbook to access any encrypted files or variables that were encrypted with any of these three vault IDs.

Vault IDs can also be specified in ansible.cfg using the [defaults] section:

vault_identity_list = dev@dev-pass.txt,test@test-pass.txt,prod@prod-pass.txt

This will make ansible-playbook use these three vault IDs by default without having to specify them on the command line.

We can have different Vault IDs in the same file encrypting strings:

secret_element: !vault |

other_element: !vault |

Here we have strings encrypted with different passwords (light and pro).

Then to use the variables in a playbook or with the ansible command we can prompt for multiple Vault passwords:

ansible -i inventory ansible --vault-id light@prompt --vault-id pro@prompt -m debug -a 'var=other_element' -e @vault.yml

Using different Ansible Vault passwords with vault-ID can help us manage multiple encryption keys for different files or environments. This can improve our security posture and make our Ansible projects more modular and flexible.


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